The Czech President is no stranger to Communism when in 1989 the Berlin Wall fell and the Soviet Eastern Bloc fell apart and the 'neoliberalism' which Rudd (Australian narcissist Prime Minister Rudd that called himself a 'fiscal conservative' but went to launch an attack on 'neoliberalism' about 14 months into his term of Government!) criticizes took over!
Environmentalism, says Czech President Vaclav Klaus, is the new communism, a system of elite command-and-control that kills prosperity and should similarly be condemned to the ash heap of history.
The provocative Mr. Klaus, an economist by training and former prime minister, said in an interview that today's global warming activists are the direct descendants of the old Marxists who trampled on individual freedoms and undermined free markets in pursuit of a greater good.
Kevin Rudd's article here.
Kevin Rudd is a fiscal conservative? Something doesn't add up!
Didn't John Howard say that Kevin Rudd was only a fake fiscal conservative?
Prime Minister John Howard has attacked Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd for describing
himself as a "fiscal conservative".
In his Budget reply speech last night, Mr Rudd talked of the need to maintain a conservative
fiscal policy for Australia's economic stability.
He is also appearing in television commercials where he says he is proud to be "conservative"
on the economy.
Mr Howard has told Southern Cross Radio that Mr Rudd's behaviour does not bear out his
claims of conservatism.
"When you've opposed industrial relations reform, when you've opposed the sale of Telstra,
the proceeds of which help pay off the $96 billion debt, in other words when you've opposed
all the fiscally conservative measures this Government's put up over the last few years, it's a
bit rich to turn around and say 'despite all that just forget my behaviour just read my lips, I'm
a fiscal conservative'," he said.
Then this article from Andrew Bolt in June about the character of Rudd. It is udderly Rudderless.....
Rudd's chameleon act actually involves a much deeper ingratiation with his audience. He changes not just his message, but his tone, his colloquialisms and even his accent.
Good God, he's even known to have changed his faith. In short order, he's switched from a professed "Christian socialist" to "not a socialist" to a "fiscal conservative" to a "social democrat", changing colour - pink-blue-bluer-pink - to suit whatever you think you'd like best, given the change in the economic weather.
In fact, I've never known any prime minister or even opposition leader to speak so differently to different audiences.
What does Gerard Henderson have to say about Rudd's anti-neoliberalism? (Could we say Rudd is a communist 'posing' as a fiscal conservative?)
Where did our “economic conservative” go? by Andrew Bolt Saturday, January 31, 2009
Just before the last election, Kevin Rudd boasted that being an ”economic conservative” was “a badge I wear with pride”.
That was just a year after he’d boasted in The Monthly that he was in fact a ”Christian socialist”.
Now, a year after his election ads, and in the very same Monthly, Rudd has pinned yet another badge to his chest. Forget “economic conservative”:
Not for the first time in history, the international challenge for social democrats is to save capitalism from itself:..(T)he time has come, off the back of the current crisis, to proclaim that the great neo-liberal experiment of the past 30 years has failed, that the emperor has no clothes ...(T)he social-democratic state offers the best guarantee of preserving the productive capacity of properly regulated competitive markets, while ensuring that government is the regulator, that government is the funder or provider of public goods and that government offsets the inevitable inequalities of the market...
Which is the real Rudd? The socialist, the conservative or the “social democrat” rejecting the “great neo-liberal experiment of the past 30 years” and demanding a “a new contract for the future”?
Whichever it is, I think voters have been had.Then from Quadrant magazine, and about how capitalism caused Communism to collapse!
Reflections of a Neo-Liberal It is quite astonishing to come across the economic and political philosophy of a prime minister and find that a self-described economic conservative turns out to be anything but. After years of seeing the phenomenal success of market-based economies in comparison with all other varieties of economic organisation, and having watched the fall of the Berlin Wall not all that long ago, there is a frightening recognition that amongst some people, nothing much at all has been learned. The same ideas that have populated and driven the Left for the past two hundred years just seem to come out of the woodwork at the first sign of an economy in trouble.
Read on.....

* Peter Costello
* February 4, 2009
The PM has been revealed as a Whitlamite in conservative clothing.
EVERY now and then you see a change in the political spin-cycle that is so audacious, so
contradictory that you have to go back and check the facts — just to make sure you haven't
imagined the whole thing.
That's what happened on the weekend.
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd briefed the newspapers that "the great neo-liberal experiment of
the past 30 years has failed" and "social democrats (will have) to save capitalism from itself".
That's what he's saying now.
Go to the record. Twelve months ago, on January 21, 2008, Kevin Rudd laid out the path for
his Government as follows: "Prior to the election, we ran as fiscal conservatives. With the
election behind us, we now intend to govern as fiscal conservatives … Today I announce a
fiscal target that will guide our decision making … a budget surplus of at least 1.5 per cent of
GDP … This will require a determined, disciplined approach to spending."
Read the rest here
The Soviet bloc (or otherwise known as the Eastern bloc) has info here.
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