Saturday, July 25, 2009

Reds and Greens, Is there a difference?

From Andrew Bolt. On Communists and environmentalists. What is the difference? I think the difference is that environmentalists are communists but call themselves environmentalists.

Different flag, same foe

Andrew Bolt – Sunday, July 26, 09 (12:02 am)

Antonia Senior says yesterday’s Reds would be today’s Greens, and just as hostile to your freedoms:

My desire to live a free, mundane life is a fundamental cog in our messy, glorious, capitalist democracy. It is built on millions of such small entrenched postitions. Red-filtered, my desires are despicable and bourgeois and must be beaten out of me with indoctrination or force. Green-filtered, my small desires are despicable acts of ecological vandalism. My house is a carbon factory. My desire to travel, to own stuff, to eat meat, to procreate, to heat my house, to shower for a really, really long time; all are evil.

The word evil is used advisedly. Both the green and red positions are infused with overpowering religiosity. Dissenters from the consensus are shunned apostates. Professor Ian Pilmer, the Australian geologist and climate change sceptic, could not find a publisher for his book Heaven and Earth, which questions the orthodoxy about global warming. He is the subject of hate mail and demonstrations. It is entirely immaterial whether he is right or wrong. An environment that stifles his right to a voice is worse than one that is overheating.

(Thanks to reader Steve.)

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