Sunday, July 26, 2009

Rudd's Innovation or Australia's?

Rudd speaks of innovation in this self-worshiping article but does he realize that by cutting the ANSTO budget when he first became Prime Minister that it did not cause innovation? I think Kevin Rudd only speaks of Labor innovation since there is none other......

Pain on the road to recovery

Kevin Rudd
July 25, 2009

When Australia last experienced a global recession worse than this one, Jim Scullin and Joe Lyons were prime ministers of Australia, Don Bradman had just begun his Test cricketing career and Charles Kingsford Smith had just made his first flight across the Pacific. Of Australia's current population of nearly 22 million, only 1 million of our number were alive to experience the traumatic impact of the Great Depression.

In its response to the global recession, Australia has sought to learn some lessons of recessions past. To cushion the impact, the Government took strong, early and decisive action through the Nation Building for Recovery plan to support jobs, small business and apprenticeships today by investing in infrastructure for tomorrow.

So where does he mention business? He doesn't say innovation by business. His 'broadband' revolution will 'change' the way business operates he says.....


The Government will invest up to $43billion to construct and operate a national broadband network in partnership with the private sector. The network will give all Australian homes, schools and workplaces the capacity to access the superfast broadband services necessary for productivity improvements across our economy. The network will help transform the Australian economy and facilitate the shift to more knowledge-based industries, as well as radically change the way businesses manage inputs, customers and resources. This digital revolution will arguably be the single greatest multiplier of productivity growth.

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