Friday, July 10, 2009

Oppose Rudd's ETS (Cap and Trade) Now

Dr Dennis Jensen, a former research scientist with CSIRO and a member of Australian Parliament kindly informs us the dangers of an Emissions Trading Scheme. So for all these people out there saying the 'scientific consensus' is resolved that climate change is caused by carbon emissions, have a rethink because I seriously doubt and know that it isn't be carbon emissions. 'Global Warming' alarmism has been created solely by the environmental movement, but like many things designed to control us, little is told the population about the motives and the groups behind the 'scare campaigns'.

From Dr Dennis Jensen's website:


Thursday, 26 February 2009

Opposition to the Federal Government’s planned emissions trading scheme has mounted with the launch of a petition against the proposal.

Almost 1000 people signed the petition in the hours ahead of the launch in Canberra, which was attended by Federal Member for Tangney Dennis Jensen.

“I think this is going to be a very tangible demonstration of public opposition to the government’s attempt to railroad the country into a costly, ineffective and ultimately pointless scheme,” Dr Jensen said at the Parliament House launch on February 25.

“I am proud to be one of the first to sign the petition and urge all Australians who are concerned at this potentially disastrous plan to join me.”

Dr Jensen, who was joined at the launch by petition organiser Dr Jennifer Marohasy, chair of the Australian Environment Foundation, said he remained sceptical about claims human activity was causing climate change, and that implementation of an emissions trading scheme would be devastating for the Australian economy.

“The science behind this is dubious, to say the least,” he added.

“And any move to put such a system in place unilaterally will drive big industries offshore.

“There must be a halt to this madness which is the Rudd government’s ETS.”

The petition can be signed online at

“I would urge any Australians who are concerned at this move to drag us all into a pointless and possibly devastating program to look at signing the petition,” Dr Jensen.

“And to those who doubt the wisdom of my position, I encourage you to research the issue more thoroughly yourselves. Some of the following links may be helpful.”®ion=saus&season=0112

Michelle Malkin has a great deal to say on cap and trade (otherwise known as ETS here in Australia) as do other conservatives in the US.

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