Friday, July 24, 2009

Liberals under Turnbull won't oppose new tax

I include several posts from Andrew Bolt, The Australian

If the Liberal want to they should either join the Labor Party or just rename themselves to the "Business Party' because it seems they are in with Labor on this one. Is there any difference between the two? I keep getting told by people on the street they are all the same. Maybe its true. But some individuals like Dennis Jensen, Luke Simpkins, Barnaby Joyce, Warren Truss are never going to vote for this ETS. Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull are not prepared to fight. They give up at the earliest opportunity, the white flag is already up, unless these two can be quickly removed and a decent leader like Barnaby Joyce be given the Leadership.

What is happening now is that questions are going to be raised like: Are we really prepared to sacrifice employment and business opportunity on something that will not a make a difference in terms of 'saving the planet' but is the biggest surge of communism (blatant yet hidden through environmental propaganda-the only way communism can penetrate the capitalist west) we have ever seen and the most successful even compared to the dark days of the Berlin airlift.

Telstra is already showing us what is happening when we want to 'save the world'. People are going to pay MORE. What? It is going to cost us? Yes, this is what communism is going to do. It is going to tax you because you are a dirty capitalist!

Andrew Bolt states it plainly:

Turnbull plans to promote a disaster
Andrew Bolt – Tuesday, July 21, 09 (06:25 am)

Malcolm Turnbull prefers not to fight but to quickly agree to a colossally expensive plan that
will actually fail to stop a warming that might have stopped eight years ago already:

CLIMATE change is looming as a major challenge for Malcolm Turnbull’s leadership after
he angered some senior colleagues yesterday by publicly floating a new strategy despite
failing to get shadow cabinet support for it…

Asked about the Coalition’s strategy on ABC radio yesterday, Mr Turnbull said that if he
were prime minister, a vote (on Labor’s emissions trading scheme) would be delayed until
after the UN meeting (in Copenhagen) in December, but Kevin Rudd was “forcing the pace”
and the business community was telling the Coalition that “even though the government is
not proceeding as prudently as they should in terms of timing, we should nonetheless seek to
make this law better so that it is more environmentally effective and less economically

“There’s an overwhelming consensus that the law should be changed and we should seek
to advance and promote those changes,” Mr Turnbull said.

How sad that the Liberals now see it as their duty to promote a non-solution to a possible
non-problem which will actually create a much bigger problem for us all. This apparently is
called “smart politics”.


Talking about fanciful plans, what chance that Kevin Rudd’s plan for 20 per cent renewable
power by 2020 will come within cooee of the target?

Electricity generation from renewable sources increased by 10 per cent last year. but still
represented less than 5 per cent of overall generation.

Hmm. So how to persuade people that still deeper sacrifices must be made, any pain endured,
to fight a warming they can’t actually see at the moment? Let’s ask Nobel Prize-winning
economist Thomas Schelling, who has now appointed himself an expert in global warming,

It’s a tough sell. And probably you have to find ways to exaggerate the threat. And you can
in fact find ways to make the threat serious… I sometimes wish that we could have, over the
next five or ten years, a lot of horrid things happening—you know, like tornadoes in the
Midwest and so forth—that would get people very concerned about climate change.

(Via Watts Up With That.)


The Liberals ditch a warming sceptic, and one of the few MPs with a science degree and
some true understanding of the topic:

The first sitting federal Liberal MP lost preselection on the weekend. Dennis Jensen, the
member for the Perth seat of Tangney, was defeated by finance executive Glenn Piggott… Mr
Turnbull wrote Mr Jensen a reference for Saturday’s ballot, but Liberal sources in the west
say the two-paragraph appraisal of Mr Jensen’s contribution to public life didn’t exactly go
beyond the call of duty to support the embattled incumbent.

And it looks like the outspoken 'climate change denier' Dennis Jensen is a target of Turnbull because he doesn't agree with ETS.

Much more reading here:
Emission scheme brings more opposition hot air,25197,25831899-7583,00.html
Libs need to keep cool head to weather heat,25197,25825700-17301,00.html
Malcolm Turnbull angers MPs as Coalition torn over climate,25197,25811890-11949,00.html
Senior Liberals at odds on climate change strategy,25197,25826885-11949,00.html
Turnbull is right, the Coalition can't win this fight,25197,25825703-5015664,00.html

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