Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Oil Prices are being controlled by more entities than you would think.

Not only does Russia have some interest but they (being Communist) were the nation that backed the 1973 oil embargo. So the levels and depth of energy manipulation worldwide is rather daunting.

Just doing some research into oil prices. OPEC controls the prices but also the American Government by not allowing development of massive reserves at Prudhoe oilfield in Alaska. Peak Oil is blown out of the water but also the conspiracy of socialization is realized because certain people want to control us, just like the ones working at Copenhagen (a very similar or the same form of socialization). The Greens are the biggest backers of 'protecting' the Alaskan oil fields from being pumped thus keeping the oil price high and thus allowing green technology (vested interests!) to come on the scene. We ARE being controlled and while I would hope to end it I think we might be too far gone. People I know want the Government to regulate oil more. Already the oil industry suffers from massive regulation in the states and Venezuela has already been Nationalized (after enough regulation which causes the companies to go bankrupt they must be nationalized). Regulation is a social dogma which creates masters and servants where tyrannical regimes are created just like in Venezuela.

Read The Energy Non Crisis to get started. There are probably many layers which most of us will not understand as to who and why and how etc the oil in Alaska was plugged and kept classified.

1 comment:

  1. "OPEC controls the prices but also the American Government by not allowing development of massive reserves at Prudhoe oilfield in Alaska"

    What a load of fucking rubbish - this field started production over 30 years ago & has over 1000 wells.

    Let me guess - you are a paranoid fundamentalist Christian - you idiots are as bad as the Taliban - will believe any bullshit
