From Catch the Fire Ministries:
‘Prime Minister Kevin Rudd about to betray Australia’ / by Pastor Daniel
Published by Office 2 November 5th, 2009 in A Call To Action, Australia, Bible, Christian Church Issues, Christian Persecution, Courage, Elections, Freedom of Religion, Multiculturalism, Politics, Rise Up Australia, World NewsDear friends and family in Christ,
Is Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and the Labor government, who have betrayed the Christian voters after winning the last federal election, now about to betray the nation of Australia once again? In his recent 2GB Radio interview with Lord Mockton, Alan Jones from Sydney stated in his closing comments, “Is the Prime Minister about to betray us all?”
In December at the Global Warming Summit in Copenhagen, Denmark, PM Kevin Rudd will relinquish Australia’s democratic rights to make decisions as a sovereign nation, by signing a treaty to a ONE WORLD GOVERMENT led by the United Nations.
Janet Albrechtsen’s article on climate change in the 28 October edition of the Australian refers to the United Nation’s ‘Copenhagen Plot’. The article deals with a draft of the climate change treaty, which she says is ‘aimed at creating a world government that would tax rich countries and give to poor ones’. As members know, the United Nations Climate Change Conference will take place at the Bella Centre in Copenhagen, Denmark from 7 to 18 December 2009. The conference includes the fifteenth Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
We at Catch the Fire Ministries fought a 5 year battle for freedom of Speech and freedom of Religion in the state of Victoria due to a bad piece of legislation which became law in 2002 under the Labor administration. Thank God we won this battle which helped us regain our freedom of speech. Is our entire nation of Australia about to lose it forever?
As reported in the Australian, ‘the question now is why the Federal Government failed to provide some of the information that is the basis for the treaty to indicate the direction the treaty is going. When 15,000 officials, advisers, diplomats, activists and journalists arrive from 190 countries they will be force-fed the treaty document to sign. We have to know what is in it. If Australia signs it—and I imagine Mr Rudd will enthusiastically commit Australia to it—what effect will it have on Australia? Lord Christopher Monckton, a former adviser to the Thatcher Government, made a statement at Saint Paul Minnesota on 14 October about his interpretation of the document. He has also been interviewed on Alan Jones’ program on 2GB. Lord Monckton claims that the aim of the Copenhagen draft treaty is to set up a trans-national government on a scale the world has never seen. It talks about a new trans-national treaty and refers to a new body to be set up under treaty as a government.’
Lord Monckton in his speech in the US in Oct quoted, “We are at the 11th hour, 59th minute and 59th second to save our nations from a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. Your president is about to sign this treaty so are many other leaders. But you can stop it”.
Visit the following link to watch a 4 minute interview from Lord Monckton of the British House of Lords regarding the upcoming Global Climate Change Summit in Copenhagen in December where nations will cede away sovereignty to a global government body.
Visit the following link to listen to Lord Monckton’s 15 minute radio interview with Allan Jones in Sydney, Australia regarding the ETS, Copenhagen Treaty, and a One World Government.
The left-wing secularists and most media attack us all the time for standing up for absolute moral values. Will they now cover up and sell their own birthright in order to protect a left-wing secular government. I hope we will wake up to the fact that our children and grandchildren will pay the price if we sign up to this ONE WORLD AGENDA. In particular what worries me is the key players behind it, the Rockerfeller family, Henry Kissinger, Mikhail Gorbachev, Prince Hassan bin Talal of Jordan and others, who are main representatives of the club of Rome. Communists, Muslims, and others are working together for a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. We all know that they despise Democracy.
Australia we need to stop Rudd from signing this treaty. To email the PM with your voice of protest click on the following link and following the instructions for emailing the PM:
Alternatively, you may send a fax to the PM’s office at (02) 6273 4100.
One report recently stated in the last 30 years the ice melt down has been the least in the last year. The month of October saw a massive prayer operation across Australia and in particular on Mount Ainslie in Canberra. We thank God for exposing the above as we believe it is a direct result of prayer to save our nation and the world.
While a large part of the Christian church is in denial, much of the secular media is increasingly confirming what we proclaimed (and many other Christian prophetic ministries) several years ago regarding a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT! Is this the beginning of the end before the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ to Jerusalem, Israel as the reigning King of kings and LORD of lords?
We at Catch the Fire Ministries and millions of Bible-believing God-fearing Christians around the world believe it is so! (Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, Revelation 19:11-21, Daniel 7:13-14, 18)
Your Brother in Christ,
Pastor Daniel Nalliah
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